
Norway Consulting AS



For en kunde i Oslo søker vi en dyktig UX designer. Du vil få jobbe på et team bestående av utviklere og en product owner.


Who are you as a designer?

You are proficient in the full range of design methods and tools. In your work you do not only solve concrete and discrete problems, but you challenge processes being used and have a strategic mindset in your approach. You proactively lead and support fellow designers and developers, and function as a sparring partner to your product lead. You know when and how to involve external users, and are passionate about the insights and knowledge that they bring to the table. You also understand the importance of domain knowledge when creating applications for expert users within a specific domain.


Your core hard skills

– You do not see design as isolated artifacts, but as part of a user journey or a workflow.

– You have the skills and contribute to creating outcome driven user stories within your team.

– You drive testing and validation of designs within your team when needed and proactively

– You are a creator and constantly move forward with an MVP mindset, quickly iterating on your designs as they progress and you learn more.

– You constantly focus on the problem being solved and are outcome driven

– You know how to facilitate cross-functional workshops within your team on design related topics

– You are positive in the face of dramatic changes of plans. Curveballs are dealt with sensibly without frustration.

– You handle every aspect of the design process, that being either user recruitment and interview sessions, synthesizing of insights, concepts and wireframes and finalizing design.

– You have a clear focus on prioritising your work and continuously align with your product lead and your team

– You are visual by nature, always whiteboarding or visualising your ideas and concepts

– You are a power Figma user


Your soft skills

– You collaborate with PMs and POs through planning, strategic direction and product discovery within your team.

– You question initiatives that ignore the user and push for better definition of outcomes.

– You are an active participator in product discussions within your team and a voice that is listened to.

– You are humble when introduced to new knowledge and at the same time confident in your skills and your abilities.

– Easy going and inclusive.


Arbeidslokasjon: Oslo-vest

Oppstart: Asap

Varighet: Ut året

Stillingsprosent: 100%

Språk: Norsk og engelsk


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– CV (helst i Word)

– Din timepris

– Når du tidligst kan begynne

Gitle Garnes

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