
Norway Consulting AS

For kunde søker vi en backend utvikler, og en fullstack utvikler med vekt på frontend. Kunden jobber i offshore bransjen og har mye spennende prosjekter på gang. Her vil du få være med å videreutvikle en dataplatform som skal knytte sammen flere aktører innen maritim virksomhet, Energi og Olje & gass.

Omfanget av rollene:
Design software in collaboration with product managers, designers and architects.
Code secure software components.
Implementation of a robust set of internal and external platform APIs to power customers’ applications.
Build reusable code and libraries for future use.
Optimize software for speed and scalability.
Implementation of measures to secure our applications and data.
Working with team members in proactively addressing software quality.
Executing and contributing to improving existing DevSecOps processes, including test automation, CI/CD.
Follow and contribute to improving established agile framework, development guidelines etc.

Rolle: Utvikler

Kompetansekrav (backend):
– You are an experienced developer and are familiar with at least the following frameworks/languages: .NET, C#
– Experience with Microsoft Azure (Azure AD, PaaS services, API management, app service environments) or comparable cloud platforms, and experience with software architecture and design patterns.
– You should be acquainted with OAUTH2.0 and have knowledge of application security best practices such as OWASP, SANS and ISF.
– Experience with agile methodologies and is comfortable working with Scrum or Kanban.

Kompetansekrav (frontend/fullstack):
– Solid knowledge of HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript
– Demonstrable understanding of one of following frameworks: React, Angular or Vue
– Bonus skills we appreciated areTypescript, Styled Components, React Query, state management with Redux, Context, or Zustand
– Experienced on Visual Studio, ASP.NET/ASP.NET MVC and C#
– Basic understanding of server-side CSS pre-processing platforms, such as LESS and SASS
– Proficient understanding of cross-browser compatibility issues and ways to work around them
– Experience in delivering standard compliant (W3C, XHTML) and accessible (WCAG, 508) websites
– Understanding of usability concerns
– Experience with design is a plus
– Proficient understanding of Git as code versioning tool
– Scrum team work experience is plus

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Kontakt Johan om du har spørsmål til oppdraget

Portrett Johan Lossius
Johan Lossius

CEO i Norway Consulting

Søk enkelt med CV og søknad i skjemaet

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