
Norway Consulting AS

Vi søker en teknisk tester til å jobbe med betalingsløsninger hos en kunde i Oslo.

Your tech skills and experience form most of your qualifications, but it’s also your personality that makes the difference. Your professional qualifications include:

– We use the following technologies. Knowledge about these is required:
Java, Spring, Maven and to some extent Hibernate and Oracle

– Experience with data-intensive applications, solutions with high availability requirements and distributed systems

– Experience with test-driven development and flexible processes as well as tools such as jUnit, Fitnesse, Cucumber, Confluence and JiraExperience with Linux / UNIX is an advantage

– Relevant higher education degree

– Minimum of 5 years of relevant experience is preferred, but newly graduated and enthusiastic candidates who demonstrate the right competencies and attitudes are also encouraged to apply

Among your personal qualities, we are looking for:
– Passionate to be a tester and take responsibility for your own development
– Fluent in Norwegian and English well, both oral and in writing
– Ability to express thoughts clearly in verbal and written communications
– Ability to understand complex systems and events with external dependencies
– Ability to see areas of improvements and suggest suitable solutions
– Eagerness to always learn more and share knowledge with others

Høres dette interessant ut? Vi ser frem til å høre fra deg!
Kontakt Johan om du har spørsmål til oppdraget.

Portrett Johan Lossius
Johan Lossius

CEO i Norway Consulting

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