
Norway Consulting AS

Fullstack developer /data engineer with Azure needed! Oslo, project until end of 2019 +

For a large company we are in need of the following resource:
Role: Fullstack developer/data engineer.

Competence and skills: Azure app service, Azure database (sql or table storage or cosmos), Azure functions, Azure web app custom domain, Web, front end development, Nodejs, C#, CI/CD, SSL

The project consists of a great deal of frontend and backend development.

The task is to take an application that is currently running in DEVTEST , and place it into production environment. A web application on Azure has to be defined. The application today does a data lineage / data integrity check on data coming from a storage container, so that the end user can verify that the data has not been tampered with since it was shared from the data owner. Some minor coding could be necessary, but this is basically about taking something that is working in development and test, and publish it to production environment.

Does this sound interesting? We’re looking forward to hearing from you.
Please don’t hesitate to contact Johan if you have any questiong about this opportunity.

Portrett Johan Lossius
Johan Lossius

CEO i Norway Consulting

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