
Norway Consulting AS


Jeg søker ASAP følgende konsulent for et spennende oppdrag i Oslo, og det hadde vært flott om du kunne bistått her! Dette er for en telekomkunde.


We are looking for a senior frontend developer for a cross channel team. We have started on a journey to create a modern front-end architecture. The work is challenging but also a lot of fun. As a senior frontend developer you will be influential in setting the architectural direction and taking lead in the development. You must have an agile mindset and the ability to adapt to changes in the environment. We strive to work in cross-functional autonomous teams, our goal is that teams have responsibility for products all the way from idea to production.

You will take the role as frontend developer in one of our cross-functional teams. You will work on development of one or more of our digital channels, where focus is to improve the customer experience in combination with our business goals.
You will work together with other disciplines in lean and iterative processes. You are eager to improve our processes, you challenge existing ways of thinking and you are curios and adaptive to new technologies.

Kompetanser som er ønsket:
– Experience with languages like Less and Sass for CSS
– Experience with libraries/frameworks like React or Angular
– Experience with consuming JSON over HTTP from JavaScript
– Understanding of web performance, scalability, and implementation constraints
– Experience with agile development methods
– Experience with modern web architecture
– Experience with transpilation tools like Babel
– Experience with ES2015 and beyond
– Experience with building, deployment, monitoring etc. (DevOps)

Fordel, men ikke et krav:
– Experience with Node.js or other backend languages
– Experience with AWS

Høres dette spennende ut? Vi ser frem til å høre fra deg!
Kontakt Johan om du har spørsmål/vil vite mer om oppdraget.

Portrett Johan Lossius
Johan Lossius

CEO i Norway Consulting

Søk enkelt med CV og søknad i skjemaet

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