
Norway Consulting AS

Information Governance Architect søkes ASAP for spennende kunde i Oslo! Langvarig, telekom


Jeg søker ASAP følgende konsulent og det hadde vært flott om du kunne bistått her!

Information Governance Architect / National Autonomy Analyst (Senior Consultant level)

The customer is working towards fulfilling legal requirements for National Autonomy. The first step of this work will be to analyze the requirements and identify the impact and gap needed to achieve this. The consultant will be responsible for the analysis consisting of identifying all requirements and guidelines, assessing current situation identifying gaps and recommend what needs to be done to achieve national autonomy.

– Security Architect / Enterprise Architect / Analyst
– Analyze requirements for National Autonomy
– Knowledge of National Autonomy for telecom
– Preferable knowledge of telecom

Høres dette spennende ut? Vi ser frem til å høre fra deg!
Kontakt Johan om du har spørsmål/vil vite mer om oppdraget.

Portrett Johan Lossius
Johan Lossius

CEO i Norway Consulting

Søk enkelt med CV og søknad i skjemaet

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