
Norway Consulting AS

BI konsulent, Assistance Data og Analytics

We are working on a modernisation plan for our data warehouse. Currently we are analyzing:

· Running business
· Interfaces
· Data Hub
· Financial reporting

I need assistance with the ‘Running Business’ part.

I need a person who understands database, dwh, business intelligence and who is able to clarify with business, what is nice to have, need to have and a must and who is able to ask the right questions and who can question as-is.

The tasks are:

· High level documentation of as-is
· Clarify and prioritize current requirements with business and ask the right questions
· Estimate re-implementation of “critical need to have”
· Develop a high level project plan for reimplementation

Høres dette spennende ut? Vi ser frem til å høre fra deg!
Kontakt Johan om du har spørsmål/vil vite mer om oppdraget.

Portrett Johan Lossius
Johan Lossius

CEO i Norway Consulting

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